I want to say a word or two about what I think is "cute". Little puppies, kindergartners with no front teeth, smiling babies, Darlene's new mustard color pants. You may have a different criteria because there are lots of cute things out there in our world.
Now, I want to say something about things that aren't cute. It isn't cute when kids are sassy....I don't care how old you are or how young. My 77 year old mother doesn't think it's cute when I'm sassy to her and I don't think it's any cuter when my 20 year old daughter sasses me (thankfully neither of those things happen very often at all!). It isn't cute when married people put each other down, argue or in any other way disrespect each other. Jokes at another person's expense, especially one you have promised to love and honor, are not funny....ever.
But the thing that is really not cute....ever or for any reason....is misbehaving children. I will admit that sometimes they do funny things when they misbehave. I remember one day my mom was trying to give my little sister a well deserved spanking. My sister was running around the back yard with her hand on her bottom screaming at the top of her lungs, "don't beat me....don't beat me". My mom started laughing and had to sit down she was laughing so hard. It was a very funny moment and my mom had her laugh. Then she caught up with my sister and spanked her. She didn't let the funny stuff get in the way of discipline.
And that's really what one of the main purposes of parenting is....isn't it? Discipline. Discipline that leads to your children learning to be self-disciplined. Self-discipline is what helps them be organized about their school work, it helps them make good decisions and proper choices, it helps them filter what they think and feel into socially appropriate behaviors. People with no self-discipline are difficult people to be around.
So often when we hear the word "discipline" it has a negative connotation. We think of harsh punishment...spanking perhaps, tears certainly. Our kids will dislike us and after many years talk bad about us on Oprah. Well, that is not true....trust me. Kids want boundaries. They appreciate knowing where the line is and exactly what you will do if they cross it. Harshness isn't a requirement....consistency and intentionality is. Your discipline of them should lead to their own self-discipline.
Don't fool yourself....bad behaviors at 3, 4, and 5 lead to completely unmanageable behaviors at 13, 14 and 15. You plant seeds when they are little. Please plant seeds of respect, honor, obedience, and self-discipline. I saw a sign in a church fellowship hall once that said, "Thank you for controlling your children. Their manners are a reflection of your love for them." I thought that genius.
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